Shawn Blake, the visionary founder of Village Film School (VFS), is a passionate advocate for empowering young minds through the art of filmmaking. With a career spanning over two decades in the dynamic film distribution and production industry, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and creativity to his role as the driving force behind VFS.
As a native of Dayton, Ohio, Shawn's deep connection to his hometown led him back to where it all began. Recognizing the limited opportunities available to local youth interested in media and filmmaking, he decided to take matters into his own hands. In 2023, he founded VFS with a singular mission - to introduce the youth of Dayton to the magic of filmmaking and media arts.
His commitment to providing accessible and quality education has opened doors for countless aspiring filmmakers and photographers, ensuring that the next generation has the tools they need to share their stories with the world. Shawn Blake's vision and leadership continue to inspire creativity, self-expression, and growth in the hearts and minds of the youth of Dayton.
Dayton, Ohio, 45406